Cow538's Mini Mart

NP, thanks for the stone too! I’ll add you to the list for the lottery.

sounds good :stuck_out_tongue:

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Can i have the girafarig pls??

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Sure. Do you want to trade here or on discord?

Trade complete with Jaycee, and I’ve added their name to the lottery list.

Trade complete with @Amaranthine on discord (Growlithe) and added to lottery list.

Yo can I just buy an entry into the lottery? (can’t trade for about a week cause I’m on vacation :airplane:)

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add me to the list as well


Okay, but we’ll need to trade for the growlithe first.

can you join this discord server, and we can trade there?

Sure. But only because I partially trust you.

i’ve joined the discord server, what should i do next?

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I’ve pinged you in the #trades-battles channel. We can coordinate the trade there.

Hey, could I get a froakie please?

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Sure. When can you trade?

I’m down to trade now or any time really for the next couple of hours

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Okay. Are you this user from discord? If so, I’ve pinged you there so we can trade.

We can trade here too. Either works.

Okay, I’ve got your froakie. Tell me when you are ready to trade

Okay i’m sending the trade request now

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Did it work this time?

Yes I believe so. Thank you so much!

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