Could someone teach my Delta scrafty Earthquake?

Okay, upgrade your version and we trade!

Thanks for being patient with me, Gimme like 10 mins and I should be good to go.

never mind! We are here for helping :slight_smile:

Ok, slappymcslap is my trading name, im already to go.

Okay, me too!

delete wood hammer

done it! Do you want something more? Some mons for your Dex or something more? I have a Delta Charmander if you want, we can trade him

could you remove drain punch with rock slide?

of course

Thats all, thank you very much javichu! :smiley:

I’m online right now to give your pkm

we can battle if you want haha which are mons’ level?

Thanks again bud! have a good day! only 65 rn

hmm I have a team at that level… if u want we can try haha

I’d be down to battle later today or tommorrow, gotta leave soon.


Hey, just remembered that my scyther also needed rock slide, mind teaching him it real quick?

yes haha no problem

Sorry :sweat:

delete bulk up