Competitive Crawdaunts giveaway

Crap my bad sorry let’s trade tomorrow :frowning:

can i have 1 too?

Your Corphish is ready, let me know when you are on, yours too @Cheese555.

im on now my trading name is darkliar

Yes i remember you, since you gave me a pokerus Corphish x) I’m loging right now

say when youre ready

on your go

go now

thanks man it helps me runing a monotype run WITH WATER TYPES

No problem, remember to EV train it.

Sorry had some irl stuff yesterday. can you trade tomorrow (saturday)?

Hey Civril, are you still giving away the Crawdaunts (or Corphish)?

I have 1 Corphish lying around i believe.

Oh! If you do, may I have it? I am logging in now.


Name : luis9428

Whenever you are ready.

On your go

Are you here now?

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