Trading Name: Vanye
Offer: Up to the provider.
Request: Any Adamant, Jolly, Modest, Timid Pokemon with the Syncronize ability.
Further info: Won’t be back on 'till 5pm GMT-5
Trading Name: Vanye
Offer: Up to the provider.
Request: Any Adamant, Jolly, Modest, Timid Pokemon with the Syncronize ability.
Further info: Won’t be back on 'till 5pm GMT-5
I can trade you all four for free but time zones might be a problem If you don’t get any offers, lemme know and we can try to trade at a convenient time for both of us?
Edit: My time zone is gmt+05:30.
Well, I’m on right now. I meant the info just in case it took long enough I went to
Ah, okay. Can you come to discord? It’s easier to trade there since we need to synchronize sending the trade request. Also, gimme 5 minutes, and I’ll have all four ready by then. Or if you can’t do it now and have to go to sleep, we can trade around(or before) the same time tomorrow.
edit: trade complete
Will do.