[CLOSED] Giving away pokerus pokemon

Sure! lmk when your ready @Firefiber733339
EDIT: I am going to be busy after a few hrs so please don’t be too late

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Sorry. On now name is DrakeH2031.

Sorry I was busy :c I’m ready to trade rn if your ready @Firefiber733339 and @Luke_Lade

Oh yes, give me a second while I boot up the game.

Edit: I’m ready whenever you are.

Alright gimme a sec to boot the game

im ready @Luke_Lade

I’m sending a request right now.

whats your trade name


Thanks for iv stone!

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Ok, thank you so much, that went smoother than I expected.


is the zangoose a bredmon? i looked at its nature and ivs and they were pretty good

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Yes, I’m currently on my first playthrough of the game and really wanted a Zangoose on my team.
Since its stats aren’t very good (they aren’t bad, but still) I decided to breed one with egg moves and stuff so that she could actually hold her own.
If you decide to use that one, just go ahead.

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oh ok, im not gonna use it as my team is already pretty good(im making a competitive team for dev island, battle frontier and challege championship) with the exception of a electric or fire type on my team

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Oh, would you like something in specific?
I’m also doing a Proffessor Oak challenge, and have… well, a lot of stuff.
I still don’t have a Delta Ditto, So I can’t breed deltas just yet, but I can get you a semi-perfect Pokemon. There’s still the chance I don’t have what you want since I only have 670 Pokedex entries, but the chance I do is still pretty high.

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nah its alright, i have mt own d ditto and also im into shiny hunting so half the time i end up using iv stones(which is also why i requested them, but since their fairly hard to grind, i made it optional)
EDIT : i HATE masuda method. it is boring as hell

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Oh well, have a good day nwn.

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You too

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@Firefiber733339 i still didnt give you your pkrs pkmn

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Yo. I am on now if you can.