Can someone teach delta bulbsaur calm calm mind?

Trading Name: IndianAnimator

Offer: IRDK maybe iv stones if i can get one

Request: teach delta bulbsaur calm calm mind?

Further info:irdk

Sure since I’m taking a break from shiny hunting

are u available now?

Sorry tomorrow

i am available anytime tomorrow

If you are in a hurry, I could do it in a couple of hours

i have to sleep early today because i have to wake up at 4 am tomorrow(don’t ask it hinduism stuff)

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Yea i know the stuff I’m a Hindu too lol

i broke my promise to sleep early might as well stay up the whole night so i can trade

I can trade rn if u are ready

ok :+1:

@Emerald24111 are u available now?

Sorry I can do it now

i can do now too

My username is the same as on here


ok i sent request


Hey could I breed it?