Can anyone help me with this glitch?

But I can’t even press the escape button or the d button

Even if you restart the game? If restarting doesn’t work, try redownloading the game (saves will transfer)

Restarting the game doesnt work and I’m not really bothered to spend 30 min on downloading it. Also, my other account is already finished more post game quests than the other one.

Aww yuck, It takes u 30 mins to redownload? Then yeah that’s fine if u think it’s not worth it. Sadly I have no idea about the coding so I can’t help u troubleshoot w that :3 sorry i wasn’t able to help you :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, its okay and I already have 550 pokedex entries so 370 more to go… :sweat_smile:

Hey you’re already more than halfway there! Lmk if you need help with any of the harder to get mons xD

Hi @thePotato does shadow mewtwo count as an entry as I am really stuck on even winning one game of the championship challenge and the wiki says that you need a 50 win streak to get it. Also, legendaries are banned.

No shadow mewtwo does not count as a separate entry from mewtwo, so you don’t have to worry about it if u already have regular mewtwo

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Ok thanks but do u have any tips to win the championship challenge?

I’ve never actually tried the championship challenge so I don’t really have much to offer, but I’ve heard that good-natured blaziken and/or delta blaziken with sweep moves are pretty good for winning consistently, since they have both good speed and power.
I may be wrong but I believe the moves were brave bird and high jump kick?
And make sure to lvl ur mons all the way to 120 and give them a versatile moveset, it will give them a huge advantage.

This is all the advice I’ve heard from others so I haven’t actually tried it myself, but I hope it helps :))

THanks a lot but I dont think u need to get them to lvl 120 as all ur pokemon become lvl 50

Yeah u don’t need to, but since ur stats remain the same even if level scales, it doesn’t hurt to train more :))