Breeding TM Moves - Infestation

Hello forum :slight_smile:, I want to breed Infestation onto a Shuckle since there is no TM for it atm. I read that you can pass TM moves from father to child so the plan was to have a male Smeargle Sketch Infestation and then pass that move onto a Wooper (both Field group), then from the Wooper to a Surskit (both Water 1 group), and then from the Surskit to a Shuckle (both Bug group). All the Pokes in that chain can learn Infestation, per Bulbapedia. But I hatched several Woopers with the Infestation-knowing Smeargle as the father and a female Wooper and not one of the children knew Infestation. Is there some mechanic I’m forgetting? Can you not pass moves learned from just any Gen VI TM?

Thank you for looking at this question; I’ll try my best to answer other questions on the forum and spread the knowledge.

infestation is not a tm for insurgence, i already tried that a month ago, and this is the most plausible cause.

Ok thanks. I guess I’ll stick with Wrap then. It’s going to bug me that Xavier somehow has Infestation on his Shuckle though :expressionless:

It’s included on the TM/tutor list for the game but isn’t actually registered as a TM just yet. I’m going to assume that once/if it is released as a TM that it would then be able to be passed through breeding…though there’s not much of a point to do it at that point.

Where is this list you mentioned? The only one I’ve ever found is the one in the below link and it doesn’t have Infestation. It does have some missing TM slots though.

It’s not available to the public.

Ok, fair enough