Looking for someone to fight
Nickname: Dreadenne
Looking for someone to fight
Nickname: Dreadenne
i wouldnt mind battling ^-^
That’s good. What’s your nickname?
the name i used as my username is soot and btw if your still down for the delta hoothoot trade i’ll be home soon so we can kill two birds with one stone today if your still wiling to trade ^-^
That’ll be good, but I’ll be supposted to go sleep soon because I have 10pm already
i’ll be on insurgence in 20 minutes since im on my way home but if you get off in that time dont worry im willing to wait ^-^
aight just got home so whenever your ready i’m ready to trade and battle
I’m here
getting on insurgence rn
aight im ready
it’s holding the stone
you keep leaving the trade, are you wanting to battle first?
No, I thought you are leaving the trade
oh no no im offering the baltoy holding the item and it just says you exit the trade ‘-’
I have the same problem
hmm…guess we can try one more time and if that doesnt work let’s try battling first
ready to battle
just waiting for you to accept and we can try it out
Sending a request