Battle Frontier rewards

Since Challenge Championship is so bugged that it has the potential to mess up your save file permanently, is there a safer facility that provides IV Stones as a reward?

Battle tower.

I keep getting nothing but Rare Candies. Do I have to do Double Battles?

You gotta get around 50 wins in a session.


Consecutive or accumulative wins? Because it kicks you out after 7 wins, right? (unless I’ve been fighting in the wrong facility all this time)


Could it be because I keep playing on Single-Open Level? I get kicked out after 7 wins and the game rewards me with a single Rare Candy.

For the sake of clarification, Battle Tower is the first facility that you encounter, the one with a Chansey in the middle, right?

Maybe. Are you on 1.2.3 or above?

And yes.

Yes. So it’s not supposed to kick me out after 7 wins?

I’m pretty sure

All right, I’ll try paying close attention on my 7th Battle Tower match, maybe I accidentally pressed the retire button or something.

I think the battle factory works

Just tried out Battle Tower again, and yep, it kicked me out after my 7th win with no prompt at all. Also, it recorded my previous session even if I told the receptionist to not record it.

Battle Factory, eh? Not exactly a fan of it since I can’t use my own team…

So apparently Battle Tower is not the only facility that kicks me out after my 7th victory, because Battle Arena did the same thing. Does it have anything to do with the fact that my Challenge Championship rank is Novice (which is definitely bugged since I already beat it several times)?

I think you have to beat novice several times to rank up (I’m pretty sure that’s intentional)

How much, exactly? I don’t want to take any risks by playing Challenge Championship to be honest, since it crashes frequently and it frequently robbed me of the rewards that I was promised (Rare Candies, Dream Mist, IV Stones).


Welp, guess the safest option at this point is waiting for 1.2.4.

1.2.4 is already out. It’s a test build, so it’s only on the discord.

The Battle Tower IS supposed to kick you out after 7 wins. If you keep going, it stacks to 7, 14, 21, etc.