Ash Ketchum Character Sprite?

Can someone who is good with sprite work make a character pack outta of this sheet?da8dcma-fb145929-aa57-4fb4-8fe2-56bac0182c61


thats pretty good but i am not a spriter

im no spriter either but based on what i saw my cousin doing you just have to make that have a transparent background and divide each sprite up

hes offline right now but he will most likely be back soon so ill try to get him on that for you

I can do it rn @MyInsurganceBae want me to try?

yes please. im playing as ash in my playthrough and his hoghen outfit is my fave.

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wow i misspelled that

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Okay so now that I’m back, I can help. May take me a while though.

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yes please. if you can make it for pokemon insurgence, id be greatly appreciative

Okay, but how do you want me to make it for Insurgence? Make it a clothes item, make it the base character, how are you going to use it?

I was thinking a replacer for the default clothes. (the tracksuit i believe.)

Just an FYI, you’ll have to insert blank images over the rest of the default images. Including the hair and probably character body.

Can you do that by deleting the pics? or do I need to actually edit them?

Dunno. I think the game wouldn’t like it if the images just didn’t exist, so I wouldn’t recommend deleting them.

any update on this? im trying to make a conversion for pokemon zeta with Gimp, but w/o much success

Here is my 1st attempt at Ash for the trainer profile on the trainer card.trainer000

Still WIP. I need to get the sprite dimensions for the Insurgence ones. Otherwise, you may end up looking like you’re warping between the top and bottom or left and right.

ok. can you do a set for zeta/omnicron as well? been looking everywhere for something similer and cannot find aything.

I only need the overworld sprites. Ive got the other ones pretty much made.

damn battle sprites wont work either T-T