Anyone has a spare Master Ball?

Okay, when can you trade? Can you do it Now o’clock?

lemme go get it maybe at 7 or 6

DO you have it now, @Aren?

Homework is the synonym of hell

Oh. Didn’t know. Sorry.


Glad to see someone who agrees

there is one more masterball in the darkrai cult hide out

its at the second floor and you only need surf and seed flare to get to it

he used all of them

at least he didnt use them on a magikarp… or a ratatta… or a tentacool…

Do you have it now, @Aren?

@Aren do you have the ball now…?

or on joey’s ratata

Sorry but, can you wait till like Saturday? Maybe, even more, my brother is sick and needs the PC we have so, I can’t use it for a while. I am hoping he will recover by, Saturday. Sorry, and if you can’t wait that long (not that your impatient, just you might need it sooner) you should ask someone else.


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