Amoung the legends: Whole Game No Faint Challenge

Lol, I don’t have a girlfriend (and I don’t need one, I am not that age yet)

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wait…what grade is @AvocadoGirl in? she went out with someone.

Welp, does it matter ?

My classmate is 12 and is already going out lol

Going into grade 8

AND THE MONO HP SURVIVE! All For One being the MVP

one grade above us @GiaPeNiw @Firefiber733339


One for all, all for one

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Man, I feel surronded by kids!

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Wait, I may also be going to eight grade I believe, is it the second or third class in middle school? I don’t remember lol


not important.

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Got distracted few seconds, this is the result.

cry cry

time to reset

Finally find Nora. A little grind session to level 17 and we are ready to go!

Item Picker is back to supply our potion stock.


And we get at this point where I must prevent Hitishi from evolving. Since he learn Cal Mind at Orion’s level cap, I want to make shure he is ready to be a calm mind sweeper for the first gym.