Amoung the legends: Whole Game No Faint Challenge

That sounds annoying

I guess I’m kinda forced… if that’s what my audience want.

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YOUR A P!%@#Y! take that!

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starting a depression, hugging his Mincino

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You don’t have to do that rule ya know. It would make the challenge cooler however.

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also lol
I can’t believe I stooped to cursing I have went LOW.

Alright, new rules:

  • The one you said
  • Can save when entering a new area OR when it has something to do with the plot.

Dang it…


Let me update the topic… :pensive:

you don’t have to…

That’s fair

Hey, you asked for it >-<


D-Did you just reply to yourself?


Want me to do that or not??

only if u want to.

and yes, yes i did.

Made a pool up there. Vote!

Edit: did it worked?

200th post. YES!