Welcome to the FAQ for Pokémon Insurgence. If it is your first time here, you should read at least the first section completely. Keep this FAQ for reference if you have doubts or questions later. We also recommend playing Pokémon Zeta and Omicron; that might help you get a better grip of what this game is.

If you can’t find the answer to your question in this FAQ, you can use the search bar of the subreddit (located at the right part of this page) or check the Pokémon Insurgence Wiki, which has a search bar on the top part of the page. You can also use the Submit a Question link at the right part of this page to ask what you need. Another option is to connect to the Pokémon Insurgence Chat and ask there directly.

About Pokemon Insurgence

Mechanics questions

Ingame help


Troubleshooting, bugs, errors


  1. Be respectful to others.

  2. Do not spam. Keep topics within the original topic they were created for.

  3. Don’t scam other traders.

  4. Do not post about hacking, decompiling, or otherwise abusing the game software.

  5. Don’t post bug reports, they belong on the bug tracker

  6. Before posting use the search bar to the top right to see if your question is already answered somewhere else.

  7. Post all posts in their appropriate categories

  8. You are allowed to post your own Lets Plays of Pokemon Insurgence, but at most one per day, and keep your videos in the same thread.

  9. Selling Pokemon for money is not allowed.

  10. Do not post NSFW content.

Depending on the rule broken, context, and earlier abuses, sanctions can include suspensions from the forums and/or a ban from using the online game services.