ThE wAcKy ShOwDoWn Om ToUrNeY

Everyones hosting a torney now and I’m joining em all

Btw which tier is it?

GGz 4th tourney that i am in (or) can i join

Why would you do that? That selection on the wheel is weird and I don’t know what it means

same here hehe

Mix & Mega
Shared Power
Almost Any Ability
Tier Shift
Cross Evolution
Godly Gift

I’m gonna put this one the main post, okay @Emerald24111 & @Devil/@POKE

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sure lemme join, wynaut


@Aren, @devil/@poke, @BackInBlack, @Aj2005, @Emerald24111

The Bracket is now up! Check it out here:

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are we doing this on showdown or sim?

showdown, the sim doesnt have oms iirc

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oh well i got tiershift, what does that do?

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@BackInBlack do you wanna battle rn?

/me in. Obviously. I have my title as OM king to defend.

The bracket is updated! Check it out.

@Emerald24111 needs someone to battle. COME ON PEOPLE!

Whomst has awakened the ancient one

I got Tier Shift, read it’s info, but I’m confused.

can I help?

So should I spin?