Cow538's Shiny shop 🐮 ❺⅜ 💵 ✨

I think Cow means a shiny delta ralts but I might be wrong.

Dayday is right, I did want shiny delta ralts.

@snuewks Nice joke

“Oh right the shiny, the shiny for Cow, the shiny chosen especially to trade with Cow, Cow’s shiny…this shiny?”

It also has 31Spe & 30SpD

I’ll tell you when I can trade.

Today I’ll be busy until 8pm (UTC+2)

@cow538 What do you want for her? I’ll do anything

All I want is a shiny hp ice thundurus… chances that you’ll get one are very slim though.

@m3tros I can trade now.

Sorry, I was sleeping

Hmmm, Can I just get an evolution stone then? Maybe a Charizardite Y?

Sure. Is Char Y the one you want?

Yeah. That’s fine

@cow538 I have this is it worth anything?

I hate carnivine

and I hate that color scheme even more…

Would you take IV stones or megastones?

No not really I have Iv stones and most megastones.I really just wanted to see what I could get but thanks

Wow. Cow actually being picky with his shinies.

Lol I might have a disease I turned down a shiny and am giving shinies away for free

you are?


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