Shiny Ghastly Auction

10iv stones <3

12 iv stone

dang. all yours

sorry for taking a long time to respond but it looks like stances is going to take it :slight_smile:

@Savitar_Is_Barry and what about the 2nd ghastly?

@nate yep, sleepy won it once

I think what he meant was that he thought his modest ghastly was the shiny one, but it wasn’t. His one and only shiny ghastly is the docile natured one.

Yeah but I want to swap OTs with him. For the lottery and shits

OH, didn’t read that.

sorry again for responding late but yea i can give you the modest gastly although it doesnt have good IV’s and also i can probably trade in like 30 mins

Okay, how about now?

& please join the discord

@Cow538 im on there now if you want to trade

If you can post your trainer card here since you just disapeared earlier after cow had asked in discord would be great.

so is this auction still a thing?

noob here. what is an IV and how do you trade them

IV stones are items that raise one of a pokemon’s IV to its maximum of 31. You trade them by having a random pokemon hold it and sending that pokemon to someone else.

so if i wanted to trade 30 IVs would I have to trade 30 pokemon holding 1 IV at a time or can they hold multiples

Yep, 1 at a time. Do you have 30 IV stones? Lol

no no, i’m just learning. i’m only just one the first gym right now

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