ready send request
what is your ID?
put the mon you want to trade 1st, after we trade squirtle, ill switch saves and give you the delta
says not online
recieved your haxorus, now where to send request?
user is deltadue, send me another request
Thnx recieved it
I do have Charizardite Y but I have only 1… So u can wait till I grab a 2nd one…
no problem buddy
Naaah I love to smash rocks and I already have another Ditto with 6IV so its alright…
Yeah i Know, if u want u can have that too… I have no use for it at all… All I want is Shiny Pokemon
Okk Let me see If I can breed em… I will breed them and let u know… And yeah I am sure I dont need a Blastoisinite
Yeah I am sure… Have fun
Okk what is it?
thats seriously a nice Feraligatr… Thanks man… Its seriously great
But maan it was a prized possession of yours , U can have it if u want… And for the Charmander and Froakie I wont take anything… I will just give it to u once I have em
okk wait I will do it, U need 6IV Charmander with what moves? Specify them and I will get u the desired one…
Okk I will get u one…