Pity, despair, and regret

You need a purple key to unlock this door

don’t lie to me bro

Well, if you are, fire isn’t even banned. So you are good.

But if you are fire…then why pose? You are not even banned.

And I kinda am Fire. He is me.

And I am him.

Shakespeare has entered the chat


wtf is even this

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Wait…y’all are twins?

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That’s actually a good theory

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no they are part of a hive mind

No. He taught me everything I know. Therefore, we behave the exact same.

He liked it so…

this is like an intellectual discussion right here

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This just got confusing af.

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Calamari Inkantation


too many brain cells for me

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hive of fire
mastermind: fire
lackys: @EnviousRage12,???

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Basically, we both have been together for a long time abd he is sorta like my teacher. And we love each other. So we both share likes, dislikes, loves, hates, opinions, disagreements, and all that stuff.


Exactly. That is the best way to put it. He is everything. I am his student.