Pity, despair, and regret

Maybe I should just shut up because clearly what I’m saying isn’t helping anything.

You could genuinely apologize but that doesn’t speak for everyone.

@itzKIRI delte the topic

Guys, stop. Everyone here is exposed enough. And you people have played with our lives. That is more than enough.

I apoligize on everyone’s behalf to @EnviousRage12

I won’t be here tomorrow morning. But I need people to answer one question. What did Envy do to deserve this?

i am i sent a report to devs

But you can’t. Apologize for yourself because the others need to do it.

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

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Nothing. But you have to see it from our perspective to fully understand.

Was he disrespectful? Was he hostile? Did he offend somebody? Did I offend anyone before this and is that why you guys are getting revenge?

You know my perspective. Now explain yours.

ok fire wanna be banned…say the most hostile thing you can and then maybe you will be reported

No. He didn’t do anything to this entire community and the only thing you ever did to me was say that I got Jojo banned, which in my mind was justifiable.

I said that already. Scroll up.

At this point, you can report every single message from me.

That didn’t seem like an actual apology.

Ok. So, didn’t I get a small privilege to believe that he was in good hands?

no… i won’t bc i am done i don’t wanna “hurt” anyone anymore

…if you won’t, envy will.