Need Delta Aipom

Well, he said he’ll trade with me on Friday, but I’ll ask him to check this post for the shinies?

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Sure could if you’d have some cool to offer back. I’m not looking for anything in particular so just throw something out there!

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Still interested, but I’m getting the drifloon from FireFiber. Yamask is Naive and Mismagius is rash.

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Alrighty, works for me! I actually managed to get my own shiny yamask, so I’m no longer interested in that one. I do have an interest in the shiny weepinbell though! I’ve got a few off-natured shinies i’m willing to trade (need to look which ones those would be), or I can offer however many IV stones and the like you deem fair

One good shiny with 2 IV stones work for you?

Would that be for just the shiny weepinbell? If so, that’s definitely not a fair deal on my end as one dexnavable shiny is not worth another shiny and IV stones. Also, most of my shinies have their best natures, so I would only trade those for other shinies that have their best nature (although exceptions can be made - albeit rarely).

@Cpt.Kirk I can offer IV stones, dream mists, masterballs, bredmons etc

Ok, one for one is fine then. I have no clue what market values are tbh.

If you’ve got a delta charmander that’s either shiny or has good stats that’d be good.

I’d love a shiny mew if you had it.

@Cpt.Kirk I have a delta aipom if you still need it. you can have if you’d like, I don’t really need it. But I don’t have the incense

This good 4 u?

If you’re accepting competitive breedmons for shinies, then I can certainly make that happen for you. Any other ones besides d. charmander that you’d desire?

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