Memorial Service for Jojoboss247 (Steel's alive)

now that i think of t i’ve never got straight A+s probably just straight As

dont you get like 70s for that? i do if i turn in something late (which i do a lot)

70s? I’ve never gone below 82%, and that was because I skipped a month of Latin work.

i get 75 on the assignment i get late

You guys get 70s?

nope only me (on late assignments)

No. That was literally my point. Also, because of my tendency to procrastinate and not study but still ace tests, my parents think that if I just did work on time I’d go to MIT or something.

Unless Jojo gets IP banned he’ll be back.

It’s like whack-a-mole, hit one down and another pops up.

Definitely. Also, long time no see. You were banned from the Hotel so I haven’t seen you in a while.

my brother is banned for 3 years and he got IP banned

Oh, fun. I had no intention of coming back.

I only rejoined just to annoy Jojo.

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You spam joined and left 10+ times…

i honestly don’t get angry at online people lol

And now since I’m banned I annoyed Jojo, mission accomplished.

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I try not to either, but Jojo has a special place in that realm.

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some people just annoy people because they don’t know your face though so, you can’t actually do anything to them

Tell me about it. I just saw an old post on Discord of him roasting Emerald. I can post a screenshot if you want.


i think he’s just easily offended and emerald is also (no offense to either of you) so, a fight starts