Memorial Service for Jojoboss247 (Steel's alive)

Delta plusle and Delta Girafarig are guaranteed

D. Baton Pass? Hmm, I’ll see what I come up with, this sounds interesting.

Delta Mawile, Delta Medicham, Delta Huntail, Delta Gorebyss & Delta Emolga are the rest of them.

if d clamperl still gets shell smash, smashpass could be cool

Yes it does! Though I wish Delta Crustle Cake could learn B-Pass…

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You did not get the guy banned. He was suspended and warned on multiple occasions before, generally for being hostile against other users, which goes against rule 1. If he can’t act respectful on the forums, even after it being pointed out several times to him, he is not welcome on them.


Agreed. Even though he was in a tough spot, there was no excuse.

But I’m a little confused. He said that the 2nd time he was suspended was for hostility, and this time he was banned for the same reason. He never told me he was given a warning, and we tell each other everything. I might be wrong, but I’m not sure he was ever warned, he was just blocked. I even looked on his account and I haven’t seen any warnings. I could be wrong, but may I get a little bit more clarity on this, please? You don’t have to answer tho.


Please add the rules to the Deukbot, it’s hard to find them otherwise. Or leave a post in #announcements for the rules. The easiest way to find them is the Discord, and if you aren’t in the Insurgence Discord, you have to purposely search through a ton of messages to find the rules.

You really are pestering him every chance you get. I thought you were exaggerating.


A link to the rules can already be found in Deukbots first message sent to you.

oh wow it is there

lol only 818 people have read the guidlines



Go back eleven messages


That’s a bit… extreme. Also hi.


Fire, you need to understand that Jojo got banned as a result of his actions.

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