Insurgence Battle League [ROUND FIVE POSTED]

--------------- ROUND FIVE --------------- Players already having guaranteed playoff spots: @GangPolice73 vs @SkyMara(Winner gets an extra prize for being UNDEFEATED) --------------- Battles in which the winner gets a guaranteed playoff spot and the loser gets taken into consideration for a playoff spot: @webobo21 vs @A_Wild_Noob_Appeared @TwilightWing vs @DoritoDoctor @ava vs @Pokemonerd25 @MeatbagCentral vs @FireStar (Only Tragic will get an automatic playoff spot if he wins. If FireStar wins, he will be taken into consideration for playoffs. --------------- Battles in which the winner gets taken into consideration for a playoff spot: skurleton vs SerenityFaithful HagaPe vs Darkrai Cheese555 vs Snuewks HETMANP vs UnclePops --------------- Other battles AntsTheYTer vs Da_Vijayman CaptainAbsol vs RuneBlad3 Cainan vs Munners Sugarbun — BYE --------------- Prize: Winner can choose between sun (volcarona) and moon (umbreon) which will have perfect IVs! Good luck to all! This round could decide whether or not you make the playoffs!

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I just want to say thank you for the all the nice things that you’ve done for us, especially making the battle sim used. Before this, the sim was mostly dead with a few random battles here and there, but now, there are many more people, even people not in the league, that are playing on the sim and using it. :slight_smile:

@GangPolice73 When are you able to battle?!

Im like the only one that hasnt won a single battle right?

Was your one win a BYE? If so we should give you a prize.

He had one bye and one case in which the opponent forfeited

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When does this round end?

The top eight:

  1. SkyMara 5|0
  2. Gang 4|1
  3. Pokemonerd25 4|1
  4. MeatbagCentral 4|1
  5. Twilight 4|1
  6. A_Wild_Noob_Appeared 4|1
  7. Skurleton 3|2
  8. HagaPe 3|2


1: SkyMara vs HagaPe 2: Gang vs Skurleton 3. Pokemonerd25 vs A_Wild_Noob 4. MeatbagCentral vs Twilight

5: Winner 1 vs Winner 4 6: Winner 2 vs Winner 3 7: Loser 1 vs Loser 4 8: Loser 2 vs Loser 3

To decide 7th and 8th place: 9: Loser 7 vs Loser 8

To decide 5th and 6th place: 10: Winner 7 vs Winner 8

To decide 3rd and 4th place: 11: Loser 5 vs Loser 6

To decide 1st and 2nd place: 12: Winner 5 vs Winner 6

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sigh me up i join

Dude this started over a month ago were already on round six :confused:

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ahh man i was late xd

I’m giving away one more shiny here tho [CLOSED] Guess 1.2 release + win Shiny Thundurus!



@HagaPe is there any time you are online… I have been looking on Discord every day, but I have never seen you online at any time? Kinda frustrating…

Hey when do I get my prizes?

As soon as these slowpokes finish their battles @GangPolice73 cough

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This thing still isn’t done?

Somehow, yes.

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Jesus christ I thought this was dead a long time ago.

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ikr? Me want my new pokemon buddies

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