Why isn’t this in fanmade contwnt section
Good point. OP should move it.
The shading on the tail is weird but by the way i’m seeing the dragon typing in it now
For once I agree
What should be replace for the dragon typing, and yea, I’m thinking about re-darking the back edge of the tail
Dark typing
Now all i need is a backstory / dex info
yes not many deltas have dexs
how about something like
“Realizing it’s Strong shell can defend from most any attack, Delta Shuckle has grown braver and more deadly; with advanced Poison tactics and Dragon-like ferocity this is one pokemon you do not want to trifle with!”
or something???
A little longer than normal maybe just shorten it a bit. Other than that it fits the deltas design
Maybe just cut it off here?
Yes that’s good
Why dragon type?
Cause dragons are awsome
Why not?