Bagon or shelgon

Yeah I’ve heard it before.

ok post after you get to pc bye also can u someone get my staryu back or not <3

Well how many times have you saved the game since October sixhteenth ? If this is greater than four, answer is no it’s gone forever.

i have autosave

Rip then.

And I’m at my computer now but it’s updating. Will be a bit longer

ok then

Okay looking for the bagons now

ok let me get online

what is your username

Same as here. Still searching my fifty PC boxes tho

oh yeah I had a good one but I traded it to some hacker… :confused: lemme go breed another rq

ok how long will it take

How is this?

i want a male for a name i have prepared for it and good its good

okay i’ll get you a male

you sure u dont want anything

Do you have any mystery gifts you’d give?

i only have the delta wooper u want it


ok tell me when ready