*Anyone want bred/delta/sync mons*

alrighty I’m online, send me a req!

Got them? Thanks for the stones!

Yup! Absolutely perfect, thanks!

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Actually, would I be able to trade for the timid delta deino as well? Found out mine is not quite the nature I wanted haha

sure! gimme a sec to breed it

not a problem, thanks!

this good?

Yup! looks great to me!

alrighty, online now :))

cool, I just got on too

got it? thanks for the stone!

Also this mon had pokerus btw. i have pokerus already so if you want it back lmk :))

Got it! thanks!

Not to worry, a bunch of my pokemon have an active strain of pkrs haha

that works then. Enjoy :))

why is that thing purple, aint it supposed to be green?

it’s female xD

Oop, didn’t know females have a different sprite

]I didn’t get it I think you need to send over another one. I’m available right now If you want to do the trade

I’d like to ask if you are willing to trade any Delta Buneary (don’t care about nature or HA or IVs in particular) you got for uh… well basically, a single IV stone. I just want the mon now rather than later.

you want the roselia or your roserade?

This is one of the roselias I have if you want this one instead:

sure an IV stone is good, i’ll lyk when it’s ready :))