I’ll be off for a few hours, will give away the last 2 to those who ask first.
can i have one
I will take one if you still have one left
Ok i’m back @iDeactive and @stances, mail me or post when you are on.
There shall be no trading over PMs either here or on discord. This includes offers, fixing a time for trade, and anything else related to trading. Complete your trades in #trades_battles channel on Discord, or in the comments on the Forum.
I’m sorry but i meant for them to pm me when they were on, i do all my trades here, you can see the discord chat where i even told cow to come here for the trade.
Edit: I should have explained myself better.
Yes, pming when someone online is included in the trade rule. There’s not much difference between mentioning someone (like this, @Civril) and PMing them.
Fine, my bad i guess.
Hey civril, do you have any left? My trade name is Pomsy
If i counted right, there are none left, but if I counted wrong, I would like one please haha
If you around today i will be here
I have a bunch of 5iv Jolly HA Gibles, want those? (I won’t be able to trade until 20+ days later because of my finals tho, so if by this time this thread isn’t archived then can you reserve one for me?)
Are there any left? Or would someone who got one breed me one? It doesn’t need to be perfect, I just want one with the same moveset, nature and ability.
I would offer my breedjects
Yo Civril! How are you doing? Do you still have any Milotics left for trade?
@Civril if you around today could trade or just try pinging on discord since I think you on there to if i remember correct
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