Wildfire is a move that burns the opposing team's fire weak pokemon if it hits a grass type

Mini spoiler ahead. If wildfire were to hit delta Quagsire, which is grass/fire, would it burn the opposing team’s fire weak Pokemon or not? I don’t believe it should but I’m curious about how it would function in the actual game.

Not sure how exactly it works but, considering that will-o-wisp fails when used on a fire-type, wildfire would also fail and therefore not burn your fire-weak mons. This is just speculation though, might be buggy

Looked it up in the code for you, and it will only trigger if the pokemon that it hit can be burned. Quagsire, being part Fire type, can’t be burned, and therefore it won’t trigger.

That was what I was hoping to find out or influence to happen. Thanks for the information!