Who know when the new version is out?

Who know when the new version is out ? I have complete all pokemon that all avalible now.What should I do now ?

No one knows. Not even Suze. https://twitter.com/the_suzerain/status/655158029860495360

You could use tesseract to find hidden pokemon and items, collect the secret base flags to get the rewards, complete the pokedex, try for a living dex, breed competitive pokemon, improve/revamp your team for next update, hunt for shinies and/or start a challenge run, play a few of the other fangames out there, go on with your life and/or wait.

Actually suze announced that he finished the main story of the game. He also has stated that it’s almost done. But knowing him, he might be messing with us.

He wasn’t messing with you, he did finish the main story by the time he tweeted it.

But just implementing the story isn’t enough, you still have to be able to play the game without any game breaking bugs or progress blockers. And without placeholders :stuck_out_tongue:

Not to mention the post game has quite a bit of content as well.

All of that takes time and that estimate still remains the most accurate one.

Never doubt Sleepy

Yee the game is almost and well done but what about mystery gifts? On your wiki it says that the christmas mystery gift is still available and that there aren’t any new gifts. And we are probably all waiting for new delta pokemon or maybe a new region to discover after the main game is finished like they did in gold and silver versions (I realize it’s a lot of work but it would be amazing). Thanks for your answers I don’t criticate anything I’m just asking the game is one of the best I’ve ever played^^

probably as soon as I finish making music for things that I’ve neglected to do