Whirls island bug

So when playing through the game I have gotten to miria town and gone down to whirl islands after the abysall cult but everytime i battle one of them my entire game crashes. Anyone know what i can do to fix this?

can you send a screenshot of the error?


Have you tried loading a backup?

How can I do that?

There’s a thread for that one the forums, I’m on my phone and for whatever reason can post a link. Just search how to load you backups

Yes an I figured out all my saves are currupted so i guess Im restarting but thank you so much for the help.

ah sry about that. you could transfer your pkmn to your new save if you want but yeah

NOT DONT it’s prob a code error

You’re not the only one, that happens to me too only randomly, sometimes when I walk into a pokecenter and other times just randomly in battles. It doesn’t happen as frequently now but idk too.

Yes an I figured out all my saves are currupted so i guess Im restarting but thank you so much for the help.
This error message does not indicate a corrupt save. It indicates missing graphics files
Failed to load the bitmap located at: Graphics/Transitions/vsFlash

The best solution would be to redownload the game to make sure that you have all the graphics. This does not require a restart as saves are preserved.

or you could just only extract the graphics folder to save time ig

Thank you i realized I was missing something for the abyssal grunt and redownloaded the graphics allowing me to progress thank you.