I couldn’t find anything indicating that this is planned, but I would love to see the various forms of Pokemon available in a future update.
For example, various Flabebe line flower colors, the East Sea Shellos line, etc., don’t seem to be currently available in-game., not to mention ones that require features that aren’t implemented like seasons (deerling), user location (vivillion), etc. There are definitely ways those could be implemented without implementing the features they use.
It would be really awesome to be able to fill out the Pokedex completely.
The game isn’t even done yet and you want different fashioned pokemon o.o. Why would devs waste time with something so silly, when they could create more deltas?
Or to flip your comment around, why would they want to waste time making OC’s when they haven’t even included all of the canonical iterations of the characters?
See, you can make anything sound dumb if you’re flippant about it.
I’m hoping that the finished game will include all of the canonical options for the same reason people like having their Dex filled out without getting a reward for it, and boxing 99% of the Pokemon they catch forever. I like the completionist playstyle, and part of that, for me, is having all of the forms. If that’s not your playstyle, it’s not your playstyle. But it is mine.
They were originally made to be a shiny form for the original. either sprite that is. Delta Snorlax z/o
The sprite has been adapted to Insurgence then, but dunno how they will be featured tbh