Trading my shinies for other shinies

Trading Name: ShinyKing

Offer: All of these are shiny and I’m interested in trading for other shinies: Meowth Blitzle Bunnelby Croconaw Tropius Primeape Raticate Buizel Abra I also have these shinies but I consider them to be more valuable and I’m less likely to want to trade them: Ditto Tortouga Lapras Torkoal Poochyena Macargo Lairon Staryu Eevee Swellow.

Request: Other shinies. Preferably ones from eggs/low level or ones with very high constrast to their normal coloration.

Further info: Tell me what you have and what shiny you want for it. I’ll let you know if I’m interested!

Hey, I’ve got a shiny Claydol up for trade if you want it. Ideally I’d want your Croconaw or Abra. My Trading Name is BIGJRA, if you’re interested.

NOTE: I can change the ridiculous nickname if you want :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m interested in your Shiny Staryu, willing to offer these shinies: Lampent, Blastoise, or Honedge

what is the raticate’s ability??

I’ll trade abra for it when I’m on later today. :slightly_smiling:

Unfortunately I like my staryu more than any of those three particular shinies :frowning:

I’ll trade shiny honedge and shiny monferno for the shiny staryu.

I’ll do that trade when I get home later.

I won’t be able to trade this weekend, how does Monday work for you?

That’s fine.

I have a shiny growlithe, would you put up your lapras for it?

do you want a shiny delta budew??

I can trade with you shiny prinplup or shiny nidoqueen but I want the shiny ditto though

Hey do u have a shiny greninjia if so can plz trade u with a lv16 shiny tyrogue

Or if u want it we can bargain for another Pokémon

this happned five years ago

Do at least have the still have shiny greninja ?

he probably alredy left the forums

you are not suposed to ans to any post more then a month or 2 old