Searching 4 any kind of thundurus

no problem

Just got notified that I won’t get internet until saturday, sorry to keep you waiting :frowning:

no problem

if you still want it i already have the shiny shellder its 5 ivs all except for SPA naive as you said with skill link cause you asked for it having the egg moves of a skill link it had been born of the helix god and some random shellder the pokerus for free in a regular ball does not have any ribbon and tackle and water gun besides the previous moveset since i maybe be using thundurus and a therian thundurus once 1.2

finally got internet, i’m online now, wanna trade?

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i was sleep :v now i can

my trade name is greenation1, go now. get online now!!

already send the trading request

alright thanks


you welcome

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