Scientist the unwalking

After beating zygarde one way or another, I went to talk to the scientist that starts the whole holon quest line, but I stood behind her. now I’m stuck there since after the talk she walks up there, but now that I’m there she wont do that and I’m stuck there forever. what do I do ?

I also lost my save entirely after I closed the game while having this glitch.

try pressing D, go to memory chamber and faint on purpose.

Problem, I cant walk or do any action, also the save is gone anyway so its all for nothing at this point

Maybe you need to download the new patch. What patch are you using now?

How is your safe file gone? I´m pretty sure there´s no bug that deletes safe files and backup saves.

So sorry for the late reaction, but the entire save file is gone. even in the file within insurgence that has the backup saves does not show any trace