I need help with getting my safe file from one pc to another one via USB stick and i dont know how. So i need some help.
Is it windows?
Yes it is
Go at your PC’s user folder, there’s will be another folder called “Saved Games”, ur save file is there and its name is Game.rxdata. Just put this on ur usb and ure done
But how do i get it to work on the other pc?
just copy/paste it on the other pc in the same folder, simple as that EDIT: if there’s no folder, create one
it dosent work i have coy/pasted all Insurgence save files to my USB and created a Folder Saved games and put them in there but my insurgence still syas there is no save file
did you put it on the currect folder? or may i get a print?
EDIT: let’s do like this, delete the folder u created, and create a new save on insurgence and save it, then just look up for the folder where that save went to delete it and paste ur saves in that one i had to do this cuz i got a limit of replies for this topic it seems
A post was merged into an existing topic: Save File 2.0