Problem with Pokepon

I was making back up to use pokepon, now on the pokepon every time says “it’s been to shor a time…”, there is some way to fix it?, thanks.

You have to wait 20 minutes and walk 1500 steps for it to recharge

Have you walked at least 1500 steps and waited 20 mins? Try going out of Sonota City for a little bit and coming back EDIT: Sniped

Yup, it was more than 3 hour :frowning:

Did you walk enough?

Definitely i did it

Did you by any chance change your computer’s time?

If you did you messed up the pon in the file then

some hours later the pokepon is working fine, thanks :smiley:

Glad to hear :slight_smile:

How are my offers for the whismur?

greedy as ever