Need help, I kinda messed up my save

When i was playing the game i found Xavier after defeating East so I showed him the badge. The only problem is the game crashed precisely when Xavier stopped talking to give me the item. The biggest problem is i haven’t saved in awhile, so i saved when it offered during the crash… That was a bad idea. I can no longer move, talk to Xavier, or open my menu. I have restarted the map but that didn’t work. At this point in time i can only save toggle auto run and exit the game. I was wondering if anyone had any advice way to help or if I’m completely out of luck. Thank you all for your replies.

What system are you on, windows or mac?

Windows sorry kinda should have put that in the first place XD

You got your save files and backups in here:
C:\Users(your name)\Saved Games\Pokemon Insurgence
Replace the current save file you are using Game.rxdata with a previous backup file and check its functionality.

on it now. Wish me luck

IT WORKED!!! the worst part is i saw the backups before but was too scared to mess with anything XD thank you honestly. and don’t worry I’ll be worshiping pokemon for years XD thanks again

No problem, glad you have a backup for the least.
Have fun playing the game :slight_smile: