Looking for Ice Beam

Trading Name: defeatis

Offer: uhhh whatever i have or I can get

Request: Ice beam for my clawitzer

Further info: Im about to battle the dragon gym and would love a ice beam TM for my clawitzer

you cant trade tms, instead ask someone to teach your clawitzer ice beam. i would but i dont have ice beam tm

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I have the ice beam tm. In return, can I have a delta grimer/muk? it’s okay if you don’t have it tho, I’ll still teach your clawitzer ice beam

trading name monke1 btw

hey man thanks for the offer, i will get you a delta grimer. Also, do you have any pokemon with Pokerus?

EDIT: caught the delta grimer, its a male if you wanna know

I dont have any pokemon with pokerus, sorry

if you’re down for the trade, when can we do it?

i got the ice beam and pokerus but if you still need the delta grimer I’m on now!

ah shoot, sorry I just so happened to be busy by the time you replied. Are you still active now?

i am now if you need me

This recurring trade offer business is so delayed it’s almost funny. Probably best to move to pms if the both of ya are gonna be on at different times and try to coordinate something among yourselves.

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