Trading Name: ThatGuy
Offer: Delta Larvesta lvl 1, holding iv stone
Request: Delta Ralts, if you want something else just ask and ill see if i have it
Further info:
Trading Name: ThatGuy
Offer: Delta Larvesta lvl 1, holding iv stone
Request: Delta Ralts, if you want something else just ask and ill see if i have it
Further info:
Hey! I have a D. Ralts I’m willing to trade with!
Thanks so much for responding! I’m at school rn, will you be around in about 8-9 hours?
Yes, I will! Send me a reminder when you’re ready!
Hi, I just got back. I can trade whenever you’re ready
Sorry i didnt see ur message, im loggin on rn. What’s ur ign?
My username is Epsilom 317 & My ign is Michelle!!!
Cool, I am so sorry, this is my first time trading on a save other than my first one and I misunderstood how the account system worked. My trading name is not the one posted, it is ThatOneKid62. Sorry about that
It’s ok! It’s my first time too!
Haha thanks! I’m online whenever ur ready btw
oh sorry my bad i kept putting in Michelle for some reason my bad
Thanks so much for the trade! enjoy the larvesta
Ok! & Thank you too!
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