Looking for a friend safari with Smeargle

Title says it all. I need a decent Pokemon to start filling out my Pokedex, and I’m looking for something that can learn false swipe + a few others and only Smeargle can fill the void.

dragid10 should work.

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Thanks! It works.

You’re welcome. In the future, you can join our discord server and PM the user named “Deukbot” !loc [pokemon here] and it will tell you where you can find that pokemon, and it will give a friend safari if the pokemon is found in one.

Actually the Friend Safari in Discord doesn’t work cause it has a space and that should be changed

They changed it cheese


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Oh I feel like an idiot, I saw this page but somehow missed the column that had the owners listed. Thanks.


Yeah, I found the discord last night. That’s an awesome feature and will definitely help out on completing this dex.

I saw sleepy try it a couple weeks ago and it said dragid10