LF Gligar HA

Trading Name: Blaze004

Offer: Don’t have much but i have a pokemon with pokerus or a lv1 feebas with a calm or timid nature.

Request: any Gligar with it’s hidden ability

Further info:

i’ll take pokerus mar|bagiet#4143 if you add me on discord i will respond faster

Thanks for the response when will you be online for trading?
Let me know your ingame name for trading.

Mine is Blaze004

in the next ~2 hours and if not from 2 or 3pm cest

Oke, i’m online now. i’ll check my mail box every 30 min. from now.

alright lets trade now

i’ve put in your name but it says the user Marskyy doesn’t exist

try now

Still the same

are you sure you spelled my nickname right because for me it shows nothing not that you are offline

I’ve tried Marskyy multiple times so i don’t get why it’s not working

3x y


sorry my bad, should work now

i offered my gligar already waiting for you

something must have gone wrong, i saw the screen to select pokemon for a sec then had to relog and now it just a frozen screen

so we trade again then


Thanks for the trade and your patience. This was my first trade on pokemon Insurgence so thanks again!

remember for your future trades that the 1st trade window is most of the time scuffed and you need to send trade offers again