Trading Name: PappapiconVik
Offer: Nothing to offer (reasonably early game)
Request: Feebas
Further info: If possible a Modest nature would be ideal. Thanks so much!
Trading Name: PappapiconVik
Offer: Nothing to offer (reasonably early game)
Request: Feebas
Further info: If possible a Modest nature would be ideal. Thanks so much!
I can get you one, when are you gonna be free?
That would be awesome dude. I’m pretty much free whenever although I am GMT +8. Just let me know whatever time would suit you and I’ll jump on that if possible. Thanks so much !
Can you trade soon? I’ll be on for a while.
I’ll try go on tonight at GMT 5pm if you can do that? Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for the help!!!
I think I can be on around that time tomorrow, although I’m not certain. How long can you stay on for?
I can be on around that time tonight, or earlier. Maybe if you could do around GMT 2pm ? that would work quite nicely. I’ll also probably be on for a while before that at least, possibly a while after. Thanks !
That time is too early for me sorry… Unless you’re online now I don’t think I can make it any sooner, so you might have to ask someone else. Sorry about that.
Ah that’s alright man, our timezones are pretty out of whack which makes it difficult. Did you get your Feebas from a friend safari? If so, could you possibly tell me whose safari it was? Thanks!
are you passed the sixth gym yet? If not you will not find one in a friend safari, as it is a slot 3 pokemon.
Not quite, but if someone could tell me a friend safari that has it in the third slot then I could get it once I’ve cleared the sixth gym.
Thanks for all the help everyone
thanks !
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