I'm lost, maybe stuck

I don’t know how to get to Nora, because i don’t have the Hiking Boots, and even though i went to the crystal cave(as i saw i was supposed to do on another reply to another question) i can’t seem to get a pointer of where to go. I probably missed something Nora said, i don’t know. Some help, please?

I’m supposed to go to the Gaea Town, this is why i put this out, i’m stuck.

Where in the story are you? What is the last thing you remember?

Nora should have told you about the fight between Jaern and a cult member. If you witnessed the fight, you should have been able to battle him after entering the crystal caves and pursue the cult member. If this isn’t right, then you should just look somewhere at the wiki, as it has a complete walkthrough spread across the pages of the map locations.