any games that is similar to insurgence other than Z/O
Pkmn Celestite is good.
Though it isn’t really similar I recommend Pokemon Uranium. It is a very well made fakemon game and is fairly lengthy.
Yeah but lags like a fckin’ trainwreck
You might need a better potato because Uranium doesn’t lag THAT bad. It only really lags when there is a weather of some kind in the overworld.
Pokemon Reborn
I’ll start with completed fan games and then give you some others that are in various stages of betas/demos.
1 Pokemon Gray Topaz (complete)
I’m currently playing this game and enjoying it a lot. Looks good, unique story line, and it’s actually a completed game.
I have yet to play this game, but have heard nothing but great things about it. People say the story line is dark, but incredibly well done.
3 Pokemon Uranium (beta up to 7th gym)
Fantastic fan game full of very well made fakemon. I found the story to be refreshing and rather interesting. Can get a bit challenging levelwise around the 4th gym.
4 Pokemon Ethereal Gates (beta up to 3rd gym)
Talk about a beautiful fan game. The tile sets for this game are hands down some of the best I’ve ever seen in a Pokemon game, official or fan made. There isn’t much content wise in the first demo, but this game is definitively worth checking out.
5 Pokemon Alabaster (beta up to 3rd gym)
I have yet to try this one out, but it’s on my list to play. Another good looking game in the middle of development, but the creators boast about 10-12 hours of play time just to finish the story up to the 3rd gym.
6 Pokemon Chaos (beta up to 3rd gym)
First fan game I’ve seen to go full DS style with two screens. Also has a pretty good story. My only annoyance is that you can only play the game in the smallest graphics option. After awhile it can be a bit of a strain on the eyes to play on your computer screen.
i finished that game like 6 months ago