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what’s the record rn?

There isn’t one :smiley:


Everyone, I’ve run into the first issue. Does anyone know what resolution my screen should be at? The game and segment count don’t line up, and I can’t have the screen size at huge


I am subscriber

I saw lol

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Okay everyone, everything is officially ready! Starting the first run now :slight_smile:

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put solo run and choose any pokemon(legends aren’t allowed) and quit the solo run right after the battle with damian

I can’t, that goes against the speedrun rules
I have to go no challenge run

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and if you do want to use mega delta gardevoir use rain teams
rain+thunder :heart_eyes: :star_struck:

Ew emojis

If I can get a swift swim magikarp, I’m good lol

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is this your first time speedrunning?

Okay, everyone! I’ve paused it to take a dinner break, but for the first run we’ve got the trainer school beaten at 27 minutes!


Yep! :smiley:


I was at Orion(doing terribly) but I realized I was on normal even though I SET IT TO HARD MODE so I had to reset :confused:

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Awww that sucks

Current team:
Delta Ivysaur and Rotom
Ivysaur level 17, Rotom still at 10


Idk how, but I am doing better in hard than normal lol

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alr so, there isn’t a hard mode record but, you might set this as a goal:(normal) 3:29:08 (idk if youve already watched it but yea)