Egglocke boxes

I was playing an egglocke, and I caught tons of Pokemon. And when I caught them, they were kept in Box 15, an egg box. It has eggs, but not filled with them. So, I can’t use the Tokens. I would like the next update to keep the Pokemon outside of boxes with eggs. Also please help me now.

Please help me.

This thing has 88 views and no one helps. :cry:

Maybe its because noone knows a solution? You’re actually pretty lucky to get the egglocke to work it doesn’t work for a lot of people. I guess the most obvious solution is to fill up box 15 with random mons till its full, and the egg tokens you ended up not being able to switch out (the first mons on the route) you can just catch a random mon and use that one instead (after filling out box 15)

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