DexNav Finder Mechanic

Is the encounter like normal encounter, except it doesn’t show the other encounters? It is determined by a random amount of steps? Or is it a certain tile? If so , how much of a radius from the player’s position does that occupy? The screen? It doesn’t seem like the last option, cuz I’m walking over a square, then when I walk on it again, I get encounters. Or maybe I’m just mistaken in my recollections. (I doubt so, but I might be.)

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yes, I think so, idk, pretty sure it’s the grass you are in or the nearest patch

Um, no I have to walk like 30 sec to find one. And halfway across the screen.

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Sometimes out of screen.

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dang that’s rough, I’ve only been using fs for the game so far.

sorry about the wrong info :sad:

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When you are hunting using the dexnav:

If a single pokemon appears it will be the one you are hunting.

If two pokemon appear one of the two will be the one you are hunting or both will be.

It`s not affected by the amount of steps or the screen location.

The DexNav will make the next pokemon that should appear the one you choose to hunt.

I already knew that, I was asking more technical details, like if the encounter appears if you walk on a certain square randomly determined when the search is called, or if you have to walk a certain number of steps or if it works like encounter rate*rarity(or ignore all other would be encounters), so in the case of Axew, about 1 quarter the normal encounter rate.

I`ll try to make it easier to underst:and:

If the encounter appears if you walk on a certain square randomly determined when the search is called

No, it will appear where you choose to walk, if you have 4 patches of grass you can choose whichever you want to walk and the pokemon wil appear there, not in an specific location set by the game.

If you have to walk a certain number of steps.

No, the number of steps are decided by the RNG of the game, so everytime is different like when you are normally walking and don`t find any pokemon or you can find an encounter every 2 steps.

The encounter rate doesnt afect the DexNav, it changes the encounter rate of the target to 100% but in the case a double encounter happens other pokemons can show up with the target thats forced to appear

I mean, thanks for the stuff I already knew, I knew it wasn’t tied to one square like the mainline games, is the encounter rate simply the walking encounter rate, or is there another multiplier? If it is simply the walking encounter rate, can it be increased by using things like Honey or Illuminate? Honestly, I was looking for more like the code, cuz that’s just easier for me to understand.