Delta Muk Abilities

Eu tenho um delta grimer com a habilidade sap sipper, porem quando ele evolui pra delta muk a habilidade muda pra Regurgitation e eu queria que ele continua-se com sap sipper, pois na wiki fala que ele pode ter ambas e eu já tentei resetar varias vezes e a unica coisa que muda eh o pokemon do Regurgitation e eu queria que a habilidade mudasse, alguem pode me ajudar com isso?

I have a delta grimer with the sap sipper ability, but when it evolves to delta muk the ability changes to Regurgitation and I wanted it to continue with sap sipper, because on the wiki it says that it can have both and I’ve tried to reset several times and the only thing that changes is the Regurgitation pokemon and I wanted the skill to change, can someone help me with that?

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I think the Ability you get when you evolve it is pre-determined once you catch it. The only ways I can think of are to reset to before you caught the Grimer and catch it again, or to find an Ability Capsule and use that. The second one is probably easier/less stressful, but also a bit longer.


Também estou achando que é pré-definido quando eu pego o grimer quem nem você disse, eu sou meio novo no jogo começei a pouco tempo e estou depois do segundo líder de ginásio, então como que eu encontro uma Ability Capsule?, e como funciona ela muda aleatória mente a habilidade do pokemon escolhido?.

Obrigado por ter respondido Steelman2004, me ajudou muito!

I’m also thinking that it’s pre-defined when I pick up the grimer who even you said, I’m kind of new to the game, I just started and I’m after the second gym leader, so how do I find a Ability Capsule?, and how it works? does it randomly change the skill of the chosen pokemon?

Thanks for answering Steelman2004, it helped me a lot!

An Ability Capsule changes the Pokemon’s Ability to it’s alternate. For example, it will turn your Muk’s Ability to Sap Sipper if it’s Regurgitation, and vice versa. As for where to find them… I honestly don’t know. Probably at the Super Market somewhere.

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You can find them in Murk Forest, or someone can gift you one once you have a Secret Base. They may be available in the supermarket or black market, but i don’t remember.


There should also be one in the route before the so called Miara Town (post third gym). There’s also a delibird in Helios City (where the third gym is) which gives you one if you interact with it

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Muito obrigado, recentemente eu consegui uma na Cidade de Helios e consegui mudar a habilidade do meu delta Muk, porem eu descobri que o pokemon uqe contem abilidade oculta a capsula de habilidade não funciona queria mudar a minha do meu Staraptor de reclekss para intimidade contudo a capsula n teve efeito nele.

Thank you very much, I recently got one in Helios City and managed to change the skill of my delta Muk, however I found that the pokemon that contains hidden ability does not work, I wanted to change mine from my Staraptor from reclekss to intimidate however capsule had no effect on him.

Thanks, it will help many people!

Valeu também pela ajuda!, acho que a que eu consegui foi a da cidade de helios depois tenho que conferir os outros lugares que vocês mencionaram.

Thanks also for the help, I think the one I got was from the city of Helios, then I have to check the other places that you mentioned